Divestment Double Down Day - Sign Up.
Imagine a day of coordinated action where dozens of campus divestment campaigns storm facebook, with the goal of doubling their facebook page’s number of "likes" in one day. Learn more about this day here: http://bit.ly/divestment-double-day

Want to participate in this day of action? Sign up your campaign below.
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
What's your name?
What's your email address?
What's your campaign's name? (i.e. - NYU Divest)
Can you share a link to your campaign's facebook page? (i.e - https://www.facebook.com/DivestTulane )
How many fans ("likes") do you currently have?
Do you have 5-10 hours you can put into making this day of action a success for your campaign? *
Can you help table for your campaign on Sep 18th, or do another creative outreach event that day, to help invite people to "like" your page (and invite their friends to like it too)?
We will be providing some resources to help with this!
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Can you help host an event on your campus on Sep 18th? We will be asking organizers to host a gathering of 10 or more people—maybe with pizza—for a special facebook-page building event.
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Got something extra you wanna get of your chest? Tell us more about your thoughts for this day! (Optional.)
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