Speaker Contract Form
This form is used to collect information necessary to draw up a speaker contract between OSE and a client.
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Marcin Jakubowski speaking at TED in Long Beach, California, 2011.
Identity of hiring party. *
Name of organization, department, entity, or person entering the speaker contract. This is the Client.
Address of hiring party. *
Phone number and email of person representing the hiring party. *
This will be the formal contact who will negotiate this contract on behalf of the Client.
Name of Event at which OSE will present. *
Type of engagement *
Keynote speech, panel discussion, workshop, breakout session, etc. Will there be Q&A time?
Date of engagement *
Time that engagement starts and ends *
When throughtout the overall event/conference is the speaker to present and participate?.
Are there special events before or after the conference? *
Location of venue at which OSE is presenting. *
Other activities where OSE presence is required. *
How much time before the speaking event is OSE required to arrive at the speaking venue? *
What are the topics of interest and key ideas that the audience would like to learn about? Who is the audience and what is the expected attendance? *
Please also include any special requests in what you would like us to cover in the presentation? What angle and positioning is most relevant to you?
Is the event open to the general public? *
So that OSE can let others know.
Can client reserve a flight specified by the Speaker? *
We prefer to have booking assistance.
Do you offer a per diem for the travel days? *
If so, how much per day?
What is the name and address of the hotel where the Speaker will be staying? *
Will there be a projector/screen with: *
Check all that are available
Do you have any publicity materials that OSE can send to its audiences? *
Is there anything that we didn't ask here that we should have? *
Please let us know if you have any other comments or requests.
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