Profile - Activity Job or Career Venn Diagram
Answer the questions below with either Job, Career or Both.
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Name (First and Last) *
Your instructor *
1. An activity through which an individual can earn money? *
2. The pursuit of a lifelong ambition *
3. Usually requires special skills, training, certificates, and degrees. *
4. Specific education or special training may or may not be required. *
5. In five years, you may not be doing anything like you are currently doing. *
6. In five years, you are likely to be doing related work. *
7. Short-term *
8. Long-term *
9. More likely to be paid a salary (a set amount of money that does not depend on hour worked) *
10. The work is interesting and challenging. *
11. Work you might do only the required tasks for, while saving your energy for pursuing tasks which support your life goals. *
12. An activity you do without much concern for the long term. *
13. Something created by you. *
14. Stays the same even if you have a different employer. *
15. Pay varies based on economic market concerns: supply and demand. *
16. Pay varies based on values to your organization or society. *
17. Many opportunities to connect and interact with people in your chosen field. *
18. Very few opportunities to connect and interact with people in your chosen field. *
19. Basic purpose is to create profits for the employer (at for-profit organizations) *
20. Your life’s work *
21. Has minimal impact on future resumes and job applications. *
22. Will always appear on future resumes and job applications. *
23. The work builds skills relevant to promotional opportunities. *
24. Advancement is not something you’re interested in because the work might not interest you. *
25. Work you should invest extra time and energy into. *
26. Your goal in doing the work is to gain skills and experience. *
27. Something you can apply for. *
28. Requires goal setting. *
29. An activity done only to earn money. *
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