Hypnovember Flash Story Commissions
I am offering 1000 word flash stories for Hypnovember. For $5 you can claim one of the prompts from the graphic (courtesy of Hyenaface).

I recommend reading some of my previous Hypnovember posts so you know my usual style and areas of interest.

If you want to suggest specific details please include them below.
Or, you can give me free rein to take the prompt wherever I want.
I reserve the right to refuse any story detail, in which case I will refund the payment or ask for an adjustment. However,  I'm trying to get these out quickly so I don't plan to negotiate them much.

I will do basic proofreading on each flash story, but some errors may slip through. If you want the chance to read them before I post, let me know below.

Each story will be shared on my accounts (Tumblr, Bluesky, X/Twitter).

Payment may be sent on PayPal or Ko-fi.

Thank you for your interest!
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Which of the Hypnovemper prompts would you like to claim for your flash story? *
Captionless Image
In one to three sentences, let me know any details you would like included in the story (character details, plot direction, setting, style,  etc.)
Or just tell me I have free rein.
Would you like to read the story before it gets posted?
*If yes, please read and reply within 24 hours*
Let me know if you're name appears differently on PayPal or Ko-Fi.
How would you like to be identified on the story post? *
Preferred contact method (email, X/Twitter DM, Discord, etc) *
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