Shabbat/Holiday Services Sign-Up
Services begin at 9:15 am. For security purposes, our doors are locked. If you do not have a key fob, please arrive by 9:30 am and/or knock on the door so someone can let you in. 

Below you may sign up for in-person Shabbat/Holiday services.

At a meeting on March 8, 2023, the Temple Adath Yeshurun Board of Directors accepted the recommendation of the COVID Committee for masks to be encouraged but optional throughout the Temple Adath Yeshurun building (including the Religious School).

Please continue to refrain from coming to programming or services if you have ANY symptoms of illness including cough, significant nasal congestion, sore throat, or fever. We continue to strongly recommend you stay up to date with COVID vaccinations and boosters.

We are an inclusive community and want everyone to feel safe and welcome. Every effort will be made to arrange services, programming, and events such that those wishing to minimize contact with others are able to easily do so. Those who choose not to mask should respectfully and kindly allow physical distancing to those who desire it.

For more information, please email
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First Name *
Phone Number  *
Date(s) of Service you would like to attend *
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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