2023 M.A. Symposium RSVP

WHEN: Wednesday and Thursday, June 28th &  29th
WHERE: PS Studio, Room 612 

Join the Department of Performance Studies for the 2023 M.A. Symposium! We are delighted to share the final projects our M.A. cohort with the the greater NYU community! Below are the names of the students that will be sharing their work. You can read more about their projects on the symposium page! 

Please note if you will be joining us in person, you must arrive prior to the start of each panel. We will be checking in guests in the lobby of 721 Broadway only for the 30 minutes prior to each panel, late comers will not be permitted. 

We hope to see you there! 

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Symposium Schedule:
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What panel do you plan on attending? Check All that apply!  *
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