Drift Bike Share Sponsorship Interest: 

The La Crosse Bike Share is funded through local public-private sponsorship. Our sponsors have the opportunity to support our local community while advertising their brand on our bikes (rear basket and front/rear fenders), rack signage, social media/online, and mobile app. By supporting a nonprofit organization like Drift Cycle Bike Sharing, your business or organization can put its shared principles into practice. Your contribution will help support accessible and livable neighborhoods, improve pedestrian and bicycle infrastructure and increase overall community health. 

We appreciate the support of each and every one of our sponsors for helping us with this community project. In return for suppor, Sponsors receive:

  •     50% off all user fees!
  •     Free customized Demos on how to use and access Drift Cycle
  •     Marketing and promotion opportunities
  •     Branded bikes and bike station at a location of your choice

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What is your name, title, and organization?
What is the best way to reach you via email, phone, and mailing address?
Briefly, what type of sponsorship are you interested in learning more about?
How did you hear about Drift Cycle?
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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