MSM Systems Inc Employment Application

Thank you for your interest in joining our awesome team.  We are a small, dedicated group of people trying to do good!

Please fill out this information and click submit at the bottom of the page.  If you have any problems, email or reply to the email.
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Date of Application *
Name *
Last, First, Middle
Present Address *
Social Security Number *
Telephone *
Use the Following Format: 555-555-5555
Email Address *
Availability *
Interested in *
check all that apply
Salary desired *
How much do you want to get paid per hour
Days available *
If specific, list days and/or times you are available
How many hours do you want to work weekly? *
Most of our work is M-F. Can you occasionally work nights or a Sunday? *
A few times a year we may have a project out of town, can you spend a few nights away from home? *
When would you be available to start? *
Expertise + Experience *
Tell us about your mad skills and interests, design, installation, tools, audio, video, lights, networks, computers, music, equipment you are a ninja  etc.
Computer Skills *
Please check any skills you have.
Please list anything interesting you have learned, places, certifications, training.
Recent Work Experience *
LIST: 1) Employer  2) Dates  3) Salary   4) Reason for leaving
References *
Please list two references - name, phone, email address, relation
May we contact your current employer? *
Did you complete this application yourself? *
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