ESConference RSVP Form
ESC is hosting its first ever Virtual Conference (ESConference). The theme will be identity and how it has shaped our past and will continue to shape our future. Please fill out this form if you're interested in attending!

Day 1:  Friday, April 16th (evening). It will be a night of games and activities where attendees can play games and compete to win prizes. Winners will be announced on the next day, April 17th.

Day 2: Saturday, April 17th from 10 AM to 4 PM. The day will be full of sessions: student organization-led events and workshops (attend up to three), and will conclude with our keynote speaker, actor and activist Jeffrey Bowyer Chapman, and the announcement of prize winners.

Attendance on both days of the conference is not mandatory and you can choose to attend as much or as little of Day 2 as you'd like. Note that sessions are staggered, meaning that multiple sessions will be held at the same time; so you may not be able to partake in the three specific sessions you want. If you're interested in attending any part of the conference, please let us know via this form!

We will be reaching out to you as ESConference draws closer with more specifics about sessions and how you will be able to attend! For any questions, please feel free to reach out to our conference co-chairs at or
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Name *
Email Address *
Please select sessions you'd be interested in attending. Select as many as you'd like, but at the conference you will only be able to attend up to 3. (DISCLAIMER: Sessions are staggered, meaning that multiple sessions will be held at the same time; so you may not be able to partake in the three specific sessions you want. This list is also subject to change.) *
Do you have any questions for our keynote speaker, Jeffrey Bowyer-Chapman?
Anything else you'd like to let us know or ask us?
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Acest formular a fost creat în domeniul Stevens Institute of Technology. Raportează un abuz