CILT I (Camper in Leadership Training Application)
Dear Camper:

You are now at the age where you can become a CILT at CCC!  In addition to this application a camper registration is also needed.  Registration for camp is online.

The Camper in Leadership Training (CILT) program provides you with the unique and practical challenge for high school age campers with leadership potential. Boys and Girls will have opportunities to increase your skills and abilities working with children while deepening your knowledge and application of Scripture, all while gain a variety of leadership experiences. CILT will train you for future leadership and service in camp, your church,  and community.

CILT course is a two-year program -- CILT I and CILT II.  Each year usually consists of two weeks for both boys and girls during two consecutive summers, plus assignments to be completed during the school year between summers.

Under adult supervision, CILTs gain practical experience by working with younger campers -- leading songfests, games, Bible studies, and evening programs; helping with cookouts; teaching camp skills; and assisting in camp functions.  CILTS also choose camp activity skills as specialties, progressing through achievements to high levels of proficiency, which often include certification from national organizations. CILTs learn to demonstrate and teach their specialty skills to younger campers.

 Must be 16 years old OR have finished 9th grade.
 Must have at least one week experience as a Cedarbrook™ or Cherith® camper
 Must display the following traits:
     * vital Christian testimony
     * leadership ability
     * willingness to learn
     * cooperation
     * dependability
     * assumes responsibility
 Must be interested in working with children
 Must sign the Statement of Faith
 Must receive recommendations from youth pastor or director of Christian education and another adult who has observed the applicant (you) in a position of leadership
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Course Content:
Camp Cedarbrook Philosophy
Camper Characteristics
Evening Program
Bible Teaching
Your Relationship with God
Working with Groups
Leadership Styles
The Role of the Counselor
Communication & Teaching Effectively
Activity Leadership
Managing Camper Behavior
Counseling Principles
Building Relationships
Sharing Your Faith
Health and Safety
Camping Standards
Decision Making

 A CILT pays the fee established by the camp.
 A CILT must complete all lesson assignments given by the CILT instructor(s).
 A CILT is expected to develop a comprehensive resource file.
 A CILT must complete activity specialty requirements.
 A CILT will complete a live-in counseling experience for at least 24-hours during CILT II.
 A CILT is evaluated after completing CILT I before being accepted into the CILT II program.
 The completion of the course does not necessarily guarantee a counseling or staff position at the camp.
Applicant Name *
Phone Number *
Email Address *
Mailing Address *
Grade completed in June *
Your Church
Your Church's Address
How many years have you attended CCC?
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Describe your leadership experience (include church club, school, camp, work) *
When did you become a Christian and what does it mean in your daily life?  *
What have you done in the past year to grow spiritually? *
Why do you want to be a CILT?  *
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