6. Promoting social justice, diversity and global citizenship
Promoting social justice, diversity and global citizenship combines teachers’ attitudes, skills, abilities and knowledge with the need to promote understanding of and develop constructive approaches to these aspects of society. It is important to reflect on and plan the transfer of personal, social and system-related skills in order to support learners in their understanding of local and global developments, and to support their development into active and open-minded citizens. Learners should experience participative and democratic processes within the classroom and the establishment community in order to foster critical thinking and promote these roles.
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Learning for a better future
Be committed to engaging learners in real world issues to enhance learning experiences and outcomes, and to promote learning as a way to a better future
Do I use diversity to my advantage when planning whole-class lessons and group and individual work? *
Do I support learners to reflect on their resources and make use of these resources? *
Am I aware of the diverse resources that learners bring with them? *
Am I aware of the importance of respect for people and the wider environment? *
Do I embrace diversity as a resource? *
Do I accept the importance of learners’ identity and self-esteem? *
Do I promote empathy, self-awareness and reflection amongst my learners? *
Do I encourage learners to consider the impact of multilingualism, cross-cultural issues and the existence of stereotypes in their attitudes? *
Do I have a firm understanding of human diversity and cross-cultural issues? *
Do I understand how learners might build their identity in a plural society? *
Do I react appropriately to stereotypes which may have a negative effect on learners and learning? *
Do I promote empathetic responses to the diverse backgrounds and identities of all of my learners? *
To what extent does my teaching promote equity, raise attainment for all learners, and improve the impact on diverse learners? *
Do I make use of my own experiences of inclusion and exclusion when helping colleagues to develop their skills? *
Am I aware of the diverse background and life experiences of the learners in my establishment? *
Am I aware of a range of approaches, including differentiation, that meet the needs of all learners, whatever their social or racial origin? *
Do I encourage others to make use of and celebrate diversity? *
Do I feel my own responsibility as a member of a global society? *
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