Applications:  Transformerz Fire School 2024

We have two launch events for our Fire School this year.  You are invited to both, depending on which one you can attend.  Our first ZOOM session is on Saturday 17 February from 4pm - 5:30pm.  We also invite all Transformerz living in the Western Cape to attend our meeting at Journey of Grace (44 Mabel street, Oakdale, Bellville) from 2pm - 5pm.  Once you have signed up, you will receive the zoom link (via email) for Saturday 17 January 2024.

Transformerz Fire School is a revival school. It is designed for any Christian tween or teen (ages 10 to 18) who desires a deeper and more intimate relationship with the Lord. It is also for those who seek to understand; and live out their God-given identity. 

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Email *
Where are you from?  Which country and city? *
Name and surname of parent or Hub Leader *
Email of parent or Hub Leader *
If you have whattsapp, please provide us with the cell number related to whattsapp
If you do NOT have whattsapp, please provide us with your cell number
NAMES, SURNAMES and GRADES (or ages) of tweens and teens that will attend our Fire School.  Please press ENTER BEFORE you enter a new name+surname+grade (or age).  Eg.  Sam Norton Grade 7 *
CELL NUMBERS (if available) of each tween and teen that will attend Fire School.  Please press ENTER BEFORE you enter a new name+surname+cell number.  Eg.  Sam Norton +27 86 437 1897
T-Shirt size of each tween and teen who will attend Fire School.  Group Leaders. please give us your t-shirt size as well.  The sizes are xs, s, m, l, xl, xxl and Xxl.  Please press ENTER before you enter a new name+surname+Tshirt size *
I am aware that the cost of the Fire School is R250 per tween and teen.  I will make this payment either via EFT.  If you are attending the In-person event at Journey of Grace on the 24th of February 2024, you can pay cash.  I am aware that I can apply for partial or full sponsorship if needed.  Please tick "Yes" if you have read this paragraph. *
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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