Michigan Digital Preservation Network Preservation Storage Grant for At-Risk and Underrepresented Digital Collections
The Michigan Digital Preservation Network (MDPN) is a statewide initiative that offers affordable and easy-to-use digital preservation services to cultural memory organizations of all types and sizes. Digital preservation helps keep digital content safe, accessible, and usable for the long-term future in spite of risks like technical failure or organizational change, and is an important part of good digital collections stewardship. Digital preservation is like an insurance policy that protects an organization's investment in building and maintaining their digital collections.

As part of its implementation grant from the Institute for Museum and Library Services, the MDPN is providing free or subsidized digital preservation storage in its LOCKSS network for digital collections that could be considered at-risk or pertaining to underrepresented groups/communities. "At-risk" can be considered those that are impacted by technical obsolescence*, environmental threats, financial insolvency, or organizational failure. "Underrepresented" can include collections containing subjects that have been historically marginalized in the content collected and preserved by cultural memory institutions (i.e. archives, museums, etc.) and in society, more broadly. In addition to free or subsidized digital preservation storage for selected collections, awardees will receive free one-on-one training on how to use the MDPN's preservation service. 

Participation in this grant and deposit of collections into the MDPN preservation network does not transfer ownership of collections to MDPN. Participating institutions will retain ownership of their collections. The MDPN preservation network is a dark archive that does not provide public access to collections and does not serve as an institutional repository for your organization. For questions about the grant, please contact MDPN Coordinator Dr. Chelsea Denault (denaultc@mcls.org).

*For an example of content that has been deemed by the digital preservation community to be critically at-risk, please see the 2023 Digital Preservation Coalition's "Bit List." Proposed collections are not required to be included in the Bit List. MDPN provides the Bit List as a helpful example of content types that are recognized by the digital preservation field as being at-risk.
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Email *
Applicant Name *
Email *
Organization *
This grant is only open to organizations located in Michigan.
Organization Type *
Describe the collection's contents and why it can be characterized as at-risk or how it pertains to underrepresented groups/communities. *
What types of materials are included in this collection? Check all that apply. *
Reminder, preservation of non-digital materials are not eligible under this grant. 
Approximately how large is the digital collection in terms of number of files and/or disk space (i.e. total size in gigabytes, terabytes, etc.)? 
This grant has a 1TB limit per institution per quarterly funding round. Institutions may reapply in subsequent rounds. 
What types of files are in the collection?
This does not have to be an exhaustive report, but some broad information about general types (i.e. image, AV, etc.) and formats (i.e. PDF, WAV, MOV, etc.) of files is helpful.
Does your collection have descriptive or other associated metadata? *
For more information about metadata and the various types and schemas that exist, see the Library of Michigan's Metadata for Digital Collections webinar.
Does your institution hold the copyright for the collection? *
For more information about copyright and evaluating copyright for your collection, see the Library of Michigan's Copyright Considerations for Digitization webinar.
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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