Quiz 1. The human rights to water and sanitation & different levels and types of services
OK , we're going to test your knowledge of human rights to water and sanitation and the different levels and categories of water and sanitation services.

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Reflecting the normative content of the human rights to water and sanitation (i.e., available, accessible, affordable, acceptable, and safe services) in WASH delivery means that:
20 points
When assessing the different options for extending service coverage or upgrading service levels:
20 points
Monitoring inequalities in the access to water, sanitation, and hygiene from a human rights perspective means:
20 points
Prioritization of water, sanitation and hygiene services based on the human rights framework means:
20 points
In the context of the realization of the human rights to water and sanitation, shared or communal services are:
20 points
Which picture shows 'individual on-site solutions' for sanitation?
20 points
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