VBS Registration~Stevens Hill Community
3131 Turnpike Road
Elizabethtown, PA 17022
Questions?  absouthard@aol.com
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Email *
Name of Parent(s) *
First & Last Name of Child & Age *
First & Last Name of Child & Age
First & Last Name of Child & Age
First & Last Name of Child & Age
Address: *
Cell Phone: *
Alternate 1 Emergency Contact (Name & Cell Phone) *
Alternate 2 Emergency Contact (Name & Cell Phone)
List Names of other persons authorized to pick up your child/children in your absence:
Please list any allergies, medical conditions, or medications of which the leaders should be made aware:  (If none, please indicate) *
I authorize the leader(s) in charge of the above-mentioned group where it is impractical to communicate with me, to arrange for my child to receive such medical or surgical treatment as is deemed necessary at any time during the activities of the Stevens Hill Community Church or the Brethren. *
I give permission for my child to be photographed. I understand that the images may be displayed in the church publications, church buildings or website. I understand that as a precaution my child's name will not be published or linked with photographs. *
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