Congratulations! If you are on this page, it's because your H.S Counselor recommended that you be part of the CCAP program. As a High School student, you are now able to take college courses with your H.S classmates at Southwestern College and receive H.S and college credit. Please answer this questionnaire so that we can guide you on your next steps.
Please note that in order to participate in a CCAP course, the following steps must be completed:
1) SWC College Application (this is a two-step process which includes the CCC Apply application and SWC College application.
2) CCAP Agreement Form (for new CCAP students only): Once you complete the application, you will receive your SWC credential within 48 hours and will use them to fill out the CCAP Agreement Form, which requires the following:
- Student Signature
- Parent/Guardian Signature
- Principal's Signature
3) CCAP New Student Orientation (Recommended Orientation that covers SWC course information, resources, and college culture introduction)