Panel Sign Up
You are signing up for a panel at Ramencon 2024, October 25-27.

If you entered over 4 hours of panels do not buy your badge unless you talk to Chris first. We do not have a refund option and panelists will get comped badges if all 4 hours are accepted.

Acceptance of your panel does not grant you a badge to Ramencon 2024. You will only be provided with a badge if you are accepted for at least four hours of panel time. If you are doing at least four hours worth of panels, you will be provided with two badges – one for you and one for your co-panelist. Attendees with regular badges may also assist in a panel with the panelist.

All panel rooms will have audio set up with microphones and an aux cable, as well as a screen for your use. The input this year will be only HDMI, and a cable will be in the room ready for you. The room will be checked after every panel. If we are missing any TVs, microphones, or cables you will be held responsible for the replacement cost.

If you feel something is missing before the panel, please inform the panel room staff. If you do not inform the staff, you will be held responsible for the replacement cost once the panel room is checked after your panel.
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Full Name
Date of Birth
Cell Phone Number
For contact before or during the con
Panel/Event Name
The title/name of the panel or event as it will be seen on the website and booklet
E-mail Address
Detailed Panel Description
This is a description for us to help us decide whether or not to accept your panel.
Panel Description for the Website and Booklet
A shorter description of your panel which will appear online and in the booklet (1 - 5 sentences).
Preferable Room setup (check all that apply)
What type of panel will you be running?
How long is your panel?
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Is your panel 18+ ?
If you select "No" then the panel is for all ages.
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What day and time do you prefer?
You are not guaranteed the time slot you select, but we will try to keep as close to your preference as possible. Select all that you are okay with.
What else are you up to during the weekend?
Other panels you are helping with, Cosplay Catwalk, panels or events you don't want to miss, etc.
Anything else you need to know.
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