Registration (closing date July 20 , 2022)
Workshop Dates:    April 13, 20, 27, May 4, 11, 18, 25, June 1 and 8 ( 5 Consecutive Days)
Time:  10am - 12noon
Class Size:   Max. 12 participants
Target Audience:   12-17 years old Students
Workshop Fee:   $120 per participant
Materials Provided:   Workshop Manual (PDF) and Individual Written Feedback Upon Graduation
Graduation Requirement:  80% attendance and Completion of at least 2 Assigned Speeches
Zoom Meeting Link to be provided upon successful application

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Full name of Parent *
Parent's Email Address *
Student's Full Name (First Name - Last Name) *
Student's Age and Current School Grade (Age / Grade Level) *
Student's Email Address (if available)
What are your (the student's) main motivation for joining this learning workshop?  Your top 2-3 reasons...the more specific the better.   Must be completed by the student. *
You are expected to  attend all the sessions in which you are required to prepare and deliver 2-3 short speeches and to fully participate in the learning process.   Enrolment priority is given to those who are committed to attend all sessions and complete all of the Workshop assignments.   If you have any issues that may prevent you from full attendance and participation in the Workshop, you're advised not to registered.   Are you willing to accept and meet this challenge? *
Method of Program Fee ($100) Payment:   (1) Make cheque payable to "The Power of Empathy Inc." and mail to 1457 Marshwood Place, Mississauga, Ontario, L5J 4J3 .  Attention:  The Power of Empathy Inc.  OR (2) eTransfer to " " and makes sure the Student's Full Name is mentioned.    Security Answer if asked:  Speaking.    Your registration will be confirmed by email upon receipt of your completed registration form AND payment.     The Pre-Program Self-Assessment and Zoom Meeting Link will be sent to you via email before workshop begins.    
How would you like to pay the Program Fee? *
In case you have financial constraint and would like a discount of the program fee, please provide a brief statement to support your request.   Please include in the statement the specific reasons for the request, the importance of the training to the student, and the % of discount you’d like to receive.   There is no guarantee that your request would be granted.  It all depends on your request statement above and the decision is final.
If you have any questions regarding registration or about the Program, please do not hesitate to contact Philip Lai @ "".  Thank you and look forward to meeting you in this exciting learning program.  
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