RECJ Community Groups - EXODUS
Please fill in this form so that we can allocate you into the existing community groups in our church and start studying the book of Exodus together as a church!
What is your full name? *
What is your phone number? *
What is your gender? *
How old are you? *
Please tell us what are your expectations in joining the RECJ Community Groups? *
Would you rather be placed in multigenerational groups (people from different age groups) or groups around your age? *
The gathering of each groups depend on the discussion between the leader and members of each group. Each group aims to gather on weekdays or Saturday, but if not possible then Sunday.

Please specify which day and time do you prefer (please also specify your preferred location together with the day and time of your choice)

Eg. Saturday 1 PM onwards (North Jakarta) & Friday 7 PM onwards (South Jakarta); Wednesday 7 PM & Thursday 7 PM (Tangerang)
Will you commit in joining the community groups meeting weekly? *
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