The State of Tech - Pre-Episode Survey - Technology in Science
The May 5th episode of the State of Tech podcast ( will cover "Technology in Science", specifically how teachers are using technology to improve science teaching and learning. Please take a moment to answer this 4-question survey about best practices and resources for teaching science with technology.

The data will be collected, summarized, and shared through the State of Tech podcast and website. All questions are optional, so do not feel obligated to answer everything, although your feedback through this survey is crucial to the value of this podcast and is greatly appreciated.

Additionally we are looking for three science teachers to serve as guests for this particular podcast, one from elementary level, one from middle school, and one from high school. If you or someone you know is using technology to teach science in an exemplary way and would like to be on this episode of the podcast, please let us know.
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1) General Information - Your name, your email, grade level(s) you teach, the name and location of your school
2) General Technology in Science - Please describe how you are using technology to help improve science teaching and learning.
3) Science Resources - What are the best websites, software programs, and/or mobile apps you have found for science?  Feel free to include comments about any of the resources.
4) Guest Host - If you feel you are a great example of using technology to teach science, and would like to join us as a guest for this episode, please let us know why you would be good for this episode.
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