The Duane Marshall Special Service to Science Education Award
Duane Marshall was an outstanding career teacher from Newberg High School, active in OSTA, and an important contributor to science education in Oregon. This award in his name is intended to honor those individuals who, as classroom teachers, have made significant contributions to science teaching in their own classrooms and beyond. The awardee will be selected based on career longevity and body of work, statewide and regional influence, enthusiasm for science, and the ability to motivate students and colleagues alike.
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Nominee's Name *
Nominee's Institution *
Nominee's e-mail address *
Your Name *
Your e-mail address *
Your phone number *
What unique characteristics and/or accomplishments make this nominee deserving of special recognition? *
100 words or less
Nominee's Supervisor Contact Information
In the event that your nominee is selected, we would like to notify his/her supervisor of the award.  
Nominee's Supervisor *
Supervisor's title *
Supervisor's email address *
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