Belmont Intermediate School - Cycling & Scooter Agreement
Belmont Intermediate School recognises the many positive benefits of students cycling and scootering to and from school and we encourage our students to do so. The benefits include improved health through physical activity, establishing positive active travel habits, promoting independence and improving safety awareness, reducing congestion, noise and pollution in the community.
The safety and well-being of our students is paramount and as such we require all students and the parents/caregivers of students who wish to cycle or scooter to read and adhere to the school's cycling and scootering policies as detailed below. Both students and parents are required to digitally sign their acceptance of the agreement.
Belmont Intermediate School is not responsible for bicycles/scooters brought onto or left on the school premises and is therefore not liable for students' bicycles/scooters being stolen or damaged by a third party. The school will notify parents/caregivers if children do not adhere to the below policies and permission to ride will be withdrawn until the issues identified have been satisfactorily addressed.