Thank you for your interest in organizing an event or an excursion! Before a special event can be organized our Events Director needs some information. If you have any questions, contact at any time during this process.
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An event or excursion will be added to the calendar and open for reservations only after all the following information is completed and the Events Director has given the OK.
Keep in mind that changing times, prices or dates is extremely confusing to your attendees so please avoid it at all costs.
Once you get the OK, send the information to The Courier if you have planned far enough in advance.
Once you get the OK, send a blurb to the Hotline Editor. She will publish it three times so send which dates you prefer.
Create a poster/flyer for the Clubroom bulletin boards.
Stay in contact with the Events Director in order to view sign-ups and payments.

Note: Guidelines for submitting information for The Courier, Hotline and creating posters/flyers can be found on the website.

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