QHS Library Reading Survey Questions
Works Cited:

Brock, Rose. Young Adult Literature in Action: A Librarian's Guide. Third ed., Libraries Unlimited, an Imprint of ABC-CLIO, LLC, 2019.
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What is the name of the last book you read for fun?
What is the name of the last movie you watched and enjoyed?
What is the name of the last TV show you watched and enjoyed?
What is the name of the last video game you played and enjoyed?
If you have a choice between a really good novel (fiction) and a really good informational book (nonfiction) on a topic you're interested in, which would you choose?
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What are some topics you would like to read about? Please list the topics below...
Would you rather read a novel (fiction) or an informational book (nonfiction) about the topic(s) you listed above in the previous question?
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What is the name of the best book you have ever read?
What is the name of the best movie you have ever watched?
What is the name of the best TV show you have ever watched?
What is the name of the best video game you have ever played?
Who is your favorite author (or authors)?
What do you read about on the Internet?
Do you prefer to read eBooks or print books?
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Do you like to listen to audiobooks?
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What authors do you follow on social media?
Do you follow and watch booktubers (on YouTube)? If so, who?
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