Ambitious Girls Afterschool program
The Ambitious Girls Afterschool program is the place to be for 3rd-9th grade girls to both have fun and socialize afterschool and receive academic assistance with homework in an atmosphere that nurtures her ambition and confidence.

*Please note* Club is closed on the following dates:
Monday, September 2, 2022 in observance of Labor Day
Wednesday-Friday, November 23rd-25th in observance of Thanksgiving (We will be open all day Monday and Tuesday of this week 8am-6pm)
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Student first and last name *
School  *
Grade? *
Do you need transportation from school? *
Will this child have siblings enrolled in the Ambitious Girls After school program? (If so please complete separate forms for each) *
Primary Guardian First and Last Name *
Primary Guardian Phone number *
Primary Guardian email *
Emergency Contact number *
Any allergies or special needs you would like us to know about? *
What City do you reside in? *
Is your daughter currently enrolled in the Ambitious Girls CLASS? *
I understand there is a $50.00 registration fee to secure the seat and a $50.00 weekly payment and $10.00 if transportation is selected due on Friday of each week. I will make my registration payment from one of the options listed below once I am contacted for confirmation: *
Any specific questions or concerns that you would like to share?
Frequently Asked Questions
Q: What meals are provided?
A: Evening snacks are provided

Q: Do you accept daily drop ins?
A: No, this program is structured for consistency. There are other events that we host that your daughter(s) may sign up to attend.

Q: How many girls will attend the After-school club?
A: Due to COVID practices, we are only admitting a maximum of 15 girls.

Q: What are the hours of drop-off & pickup
A: Girls may be dropped off as early as 2:45pm and must be picked up no later than 6:00pm. Late pick ups result in $1.00 a minute.

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