European  WRF-Hydro Tutorial Pre-Survey
This application is meant to gauge participant interests, background, and technical experience to better tailor our training to participants.

Prior hydrologic and/or atmospheric modeling experience is required.
Applicants should be comfortable working in a UNIX environment, running Unix command line operations and text editors. Familiarity with the R and/or Python programming language is recommended.

This course will take place at University of Calabria, Rende (Cosenza) Italy during the week of 15-19 June 2020
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Email *
Confirm Email address *
Full Name *
Industry Sector *
Affiliation *
State/Province *
Country *
Please describe your background and/or primary professional interest (e.g. Student, hydrologist, atmospheric scientist, forecaster etc.) *
Please indicate your level of experience with hydrologic models *
If you are a regular user or developer of hydrologic models, please specify the models: *
Have you used WRF-Hydro before? *
How do you intend to use WRF-Hydro? *
What subjects of this training are you most interested in? *
What would you like to take away from this training ? *
Have you worked on a parallel/high performance computing platform before?  If yes, please describe. *
What type of computing system will you be working with WRF-Hydro on (laptop, desktop, HPC, not sure)? *
Our online training materials and model code are written in English. What level of proficiency with the English language do you have? *
Please indicate your level of experience working  in Unix/Linux environments? *
Please indicate your level of experience working with GIS *
Please indicate your level of experience working with the R programming language. *
Please indicate your level of experience working with the Python programming language. *
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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