This should take 3-7 minutes. All questions are optional. Answers will never be shared without your permission, and will be super helpful to building a newsletter we both enjoy.
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Hi! What's your name?
It would be nice to put a name to a form, but you can also fill this survey anonymously
What's the email you used to sign up to the newsletter?
Again, very helpful but entirely optional
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What do you like about the newsletter?
Select as many as you like
What do you not like about the newsletter?
Be brutal! This is what this is for
What would you like to see more of in the newsletter?
Select as many as you want (or none)
Important! What would you like me to write about next?
Is there anything else you'd like to add?
Testimonials, complaints, suggestions for how I can improve the newsletter and this form, and anything else
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