RSVP For The October 17th 2024 Day Of Action
Join us for our Day of Action at Willis Tower in downtown Chicago from 12:30 PM to 2:30 PM. This location is United Airlines' headquarters. We want to show management we will do whatever it takes to get the industry-leading contract we deserve. Please answer the questions below to RSVP.

If you are utilizing AFA provided transportation and your plans change where you can not attend this event please email so we can maximize every seat on the bus!

**Please wear your uniform!**

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First & Last Name *
Cell Phone Number *
Employee Number (Include U) *
Personal Email  *
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Other Labor Union/Flight Attendant Union
Transportation to Willis Tower leaving at 11:15 AM *
Transportation From Willis Tower leaving at 2:30 PM *
Guests Attending With You *
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