2024 Volunteer Piping Plover Beach Monitor
Thank you for your interest in "pitching-in" to volunteer with the Town of Scarborough as a Piping Plover Beach Monitor. Please complete this form so we know you are available to help. Filling out this form does not obligate you to volunteer, but it lets us know you're interested.

We're looking for a regular, weekly commitment, but we also know summer in Maine is precious! Please sign up to volunteer even if you know you will only be able to help sporadically or if there are weeks when other plans will take you away from our beaches.

If you have any questions about being a Volunteer Monitor, please contact Jami Fitch, Sustainability Manager, at jfitch@scarboroughmaine.org or 207-730-4035.

We're looking forward to another great season this year - thanks again for your interest!
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Email *
Credit: Missy Mans
Last Name *
First Name *
Phone Number *
Mailing Address *
Town *
State *
Zip code *
Preferred beach (choose all that apply) *
Date available to begin monitoring (most regular shifts start on or around May 15th) *
How many 1-2 hour shifts do you expect to be able to work per week? *
What is your expected weekly availability? (Choose all that apply)
Late Afternoon
Early Evening
If you volunteered last year, do you still have your ID badge? *
Volunteers are asked to attend an annual training and orientation session with staff from the Town and Maine Audubon. A hybrid training will be held this year, so you may attend in person or virtually. The training will be recorded so you may watch the training on-demand if you're not able to participate live. (Higgins Beach volunteers will be trained at Higgins by Glennis Chabot but are welcome to attend the training.) Please select one of the options below. *
How did you hear about the Volunteer Monitoring Program?
I understand that the primary objective of the Scarborough Beach Monitoring program is to promote greater awareness and understanding of Scarborough’s Piping Plover population. My primary role as a Volunteer Beach Monitor is to educate beachgoers. I will participate in the annual volunteer training, track and report my time, complete the required observation forms, and communicate plover-related issues and concerns with the appropriate party in a timely manner. 


Please type your name below to acknowledge that you have read the above statement and understand your role as a Volunteer Beach Monitor. 
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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