Garfield Summer Bridge Registration
Garfield Summer Bridge
9:00 am to 1:00 pm
Location: Garfield High School

Garfield High School summer bridge is a summer learning program for rising 9th graders. Make friends, get to know the school and the neighborhood, and earn .25 high school credit! 

Program Details:
There are two sibling programs running at the same time. All students will have the following schedule, Mondays through Thursdays, from July 10 to August 4:

9-10:30 Humanities
10:30-11:30 World Language
11:30-1 STEM

We will have field trips on some of the days, too!

Y-Scholars will get extra support and field trips during afternoons and Fridays, will attend a Shark Tank Business Practicum class instead of World Language, and an additional week, from July 10 to August 11! See below for Y-Scholars adjusted Schedule
  • July 10 - Aug 11
  • 9 am - 2:30 pm

All students may earn .25 credits (the equivalent of one quarter) for completing this program with fewer than three absences and great engagement. 😊

Registration closes on June 30, and we have only 60 spots, so please apply soon! We’ll reach out after that date with confirmation and more info. Please feel welcome to reach out with any questions!

For more info or questions, contact:
Whitney Nelson: (206) 930-4798
Naser Abdelrahim: (206) 671-8910

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