Posh Pets Rescue - Volunteer Form
Thank you for wanting to volunteer with us! We believe that every animal deserves love, and that no matter the breed, age, origin or history that they are worthy of a Posh life! There are several ways to volunteer for Posh Pets. Whether you can volunteer in person at our shelter, cat room or events, or have skills that can save lives remotely, there is a place for you in the Posh Pets family!

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What volunteer activities interest you the most ? Select ONLY ONE. * *
First Name
Last Name
Address Line 2
City / State
Tell us about yourself
What is your occupation?*
Do you have any special skills? You never know what could come in handy!
I certify that I am over the age of 18.
If you have any questions, email us at volunteer@poshpetsrescueny.org.
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