Form to add articles to the SkS-Facebook page
Please use this form to suggest articles which we can then add to the queue of our FB-page!
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Your name *
Link *
Link to the article (make sure that it's a plain link, w/o unnecessary parameters at the end)
Title of article *
This is needed for the accompanying weekly summary of FB-postings
If there's a short summary for the article, add it here. This is often found directly below the title or headline.
Author *
Outlet *
Date of publication *
Enter in the format of Feb 23, 2021
Text for the FB post *
Ideally, add some editorial text to explain the reason why this article is shared on the Skeptical Science Facebook page. Examples are things like "Skeptical Science founder John Cook gets quoted in this article about...". or "This article summarizes new findings about ..." or "This article debunks claims about ....".  If pressed for time, copy the first 1 to 3 paragraphs from the article.
Comment (if any)
Use this field to for example specify which graphic should be used for the FB-post if the article doesn't generate a meaningful image directly as is the case for our own SkS articles unfortunately. In such a case, ideally provide the link to the graphic so that it can be manually inserted when the FB-post is put into the queue.
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