Yes! I want access to peer tutoring!
Thank you for filling out this form. We are using this survey to add your CR email address to our peer tutoring Canvas site so you have access to tutoring support! This is not a class, there is no cost, and you are not obligated to participate in any way. We just want you to have access to tutoring resources to support your success in your classes.
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Your name: *
Your CR email address: (Be sure to use your email, or we won't be able to add you to the Canvas site.) *
Which subjects do you want help with? (Note: You will have access to ALL peer tutoring materials. We are just using this information to help limit the announcements you receive. You can change your section(s) at any time by contacting Brynn Allen at *
Please let us know if you have any questions or concerns. We will try to get back to you ASAP.
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