NDD United Sign On Letter - January 2018
We encourage all national, state, and local organizations to sign on to this letter urging Congress to protect NDD programs from further cuts and to end sequestration. If you signed our September 2017 letter, there is no need to complete this form again. You will automatically be included. To check visit https://static1.squarespace.com/static/55c4b954e4b0f8108cbd0423/t/59ef7460be42d6bfd981ea87/1508865122714/NDDUnited2017.SignOnFinal.SEPTEMBER2017.pdf and use Ctrl+F to find your organization.

To add your national, state, or local organization's name to the letter please complete the form below.

The letter is available here: http://www.publichealthfunding.org/uploads/JanuaryOptOut.docx

For this letter, we will be collecting only signatures from organizations. Please, NO INDIVIDUALS.
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Organization Name *
Type of Organization *
City *
State *
First Name *
Last Name *
Email *
Are you authorized to sign on behalf of your organization? *
Website *
If you do not have a website please include your email again here so that we may reach out to verify your organization.
Which sector does your organization you most closely identify with? *
Your response to this question helps us clean the list of signatures for duplicates and typos by having a member of your community review your submission. So, please use "other" only if you are not a member of any of these communities.
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