Member Survey

The Islamic Center of South Jersey is looking for your feedback to improve our offerings to the community. Please take a few minutes to answer the questions below honestly and openly. We aim to take your feedback to make improvements based on what is important to you. Please be patient with us, as change takes time to implement.

Your feedback will be kept strictly confidential.

Overall, how satisfied are you with ICSJ? *
Are you a paying member of ICSJ? *
Do you feel welcome and accepted at ICSJ? *
Communications: How do you prefer to keep up with ICSJ news and announcements? Please select all that apply.

Links to each option provided below. 
Communications: Please provide any additional feedback you would like to give us related to our communications.
Please rate our general performance in the following categories. This will help us evaluate if we are doing our job as you would expect from us.
Fair / Improvement Needed
Not Applicable
Fulfillment of Purpose and Goals
Effectiveness of Communication
Management of Funds
Performance: Please elaborate on your ratings above by sharing comments or suggestions for improvement. Please provide any additional feedback you would like to give us related to our general performance.
How do you rate our events and services being provided in the following categories? This will help us evaluate if we are providing all the services you expect and if we are doing a good job or not. *
Fair / Improvement Needed
Not Applicable
Khutba / Jummah Prayers
Eid Prayers
Tarawih Prayers
Weekend Iftaars
Monthly Family Nights
Sunday School
Events and Services: Please share comments or suggestions for improvement or add any new services you would like to see.
What can we do to improve your participation? Please elaborate on things we can do which will bring you to events more often.
Additional Feedback - anything you would like to tell or share with us. Please tell us what we're doing well and what we can improve upon.
Can we contact you to further elaborate on any questions we may have? *
Please enter your name, email address, and phone number if you answered yes above.
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