OpenSesame Certified Digital Learning Content Curator Program Survey

Thank you for participating in the OpenSesame Certified Digital Learning Content Curator program. Your feedback is essential to improving our program. Please take a moment to share your thoughts with us.

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Email *
Full Name *
Please type the name as you would like it to appear on the certificate.
Organization Name *
Job Title *

How did you hear about the OpenSesame Certified Digital Learning Content Curator program? (Select all that apply)


How likely are you to recommend this program to others?

Not Likely
Very Likely
Did you complete all the courses in the program? *
100 points

Which courses from the program did you find most valuable? (Select all that apply)


What motivated you to enroll in this program? (Select all that apply)

How satisfied are you with the program content and delivery?

Very dissatisfied
Very satisfied
Clear selection

Did you experience any challenges during the program? If yes, please describe.

Do you have any additional comments to share?

Would you like to recommend this program to someone else who might benefit from it? If yes, please provide their name and email address, if possible.
🙏 Thank you for completing the program! 
Thank you for completing the survey! Your feedback is greatly appreciated.

After clicking the submit button, you will be issued a certificate of your completion. If you do not get your email within 5 minutes, you may have entered your email address incorrectly. Please submit the form again.

Congratulations on your achievement as a Certified Digital Learning Content Curator! #DigitalLearningCurator
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