Marble platform signup
The Marble platform is a federated cloud computing infrastructure that gives its users the ability to perform various types of analysis involving climate data without the need to worry about (i) locally downloading and storing the data and (ii) providing adequate computing resources. 

Marble is launching January 2024. We will be handing out new account on the platform in batches at launch so that we can better manage the process. To receive an account on the platform, please join the queue by filling out this form.
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Please enter your full name. *
Which of the following best captures your current status? *
Please enter the institution or company you are associated with. If not applicable, enter N/A. *
What brings you to Marble? Select all that apply. *
Where did you hear about Marble? Select all that apply. If you chose 'From a conference' or 'From a paper that cited Marble', please use the 'Other' field to tell us which one. *
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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