MMCTV Event Coverage Request Form
Please fill out the following information and submit at least two weeks prior to the event and we will try to help you as best we can, subject to scheduling and staff availability. 

Note that in order to provide free coverage of events, we require full permission to share the content on our channels/online. 
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Contact Name (Person Submitting request) *
Contact Number  *
Contact email *
Name of Event *
Date of Event  *
Event Start Time *
Event End Time *
Name(s) and Title(s) of Speaker(s) for onscreen graphics *
Event Location *
Services Requested *
Format of Event *
Will presenter be using Power Point presentations or other types of slides *
If MMCTV provides production services, will MMCTV be publicly recognized as a Media Partner in your promotional materials and/or at the event? *
If MMCTV is unable to film your event, are you or someone from your organization interested in receiving videography training? *
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