Pugs of the Frozen North (Domain 2A) Philip Reeve
The following questions are designed to allow lower KS2 pupils to practise and apply their skills of Content Domain 2A. They have been written in a progressive order, and using different question types, to support KS2 pupils of different abilities. Depending on the reading age of pupils, the text can be read by an adult or read independently by a pupil,  with questions being answered independently or in discussion with the teacher. Please see further resources for Content Domain 2B ,2E and 2F using this text.
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‘But all that woofing and yipping made the dark trees tremble...’ Which word closely matches the meaning of the word ‘tremble’? *
1 point
Look at the paragraph beginning, ‘They rushed...’ Find and copy the word which tells you how the sleds were moving. *
1 point
‘Other sleds were not so fortunate...’Which word closely matches the meaning of the word ‘fortunate’? *
1 point
Match the word to the correct definition. *
4 points
holding onto
a traditional story
twisting and turning in between
covered over
‘“At least we aren't the last anymore!” said Shen looking back over his shoulder as they left the snow-flumped sled behind.’ What other words or phrases could the author have used  to describe ‘snow-flumped ’? *
1 point
Look at the paragraph beginning, ‘But the sixty-six pugs were already...’ Find and copy a word that means moved. *
1 point
‘All the tentacles writhed and strained...’ Tick the correct definition for the word ‘writhed’. *
1 point
Give one example of onomatopoeia in this extract. *
1 point
‘Cascades of shattered ice came raining down their sides like broken glass...’ Give the meaning of the word ‘cascades’ in this sentence. *
1 point
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