2024 Voter Protection Volunteer Sign-Up
Thank you for your interest in protecting the vote in Virginia! We are recruiting volunteers to serve as poll observers and cure volunteers. Please note that you must be a registered Virginia voter to serve as an inside poll observer, but we welcome our out-of-state friends to sign up as an outside observer or cure volunteer. 

After you complete this form we will follow up via email with next steps. If you have questions please don't hesitate to reach out to Nico Walker, Voter Protection Director: nwalker@2024victory.com or voterprotection@vademocrats.org. 

Thank you!

P.S. Please share this sign-up form with interested folks in your network!
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Email *
Full Name *
Phone Number *
What city/county do you live in? *
Are you willing to volunteer to protect the vote in person?
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Are you an attorney? (You do not need to be an attorney to volunteer.) *
Have you served as a voter protection volunteer in the past? *
What kinds of voter protection work are you most interested in?  *
Are you comfortable speaking with voters in languages other than English? If so, please indicate which languages below: *
Any questions, comments, concerns, or additional information that the voter protection team should know? *
Do you have any friends or family that may be interested in helping to protect the vote? Please list below with contact information: *
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