Sign On: Socialism Beats Fascism
Sign up here to add your name to the Socialism Beats Fascism mission statement.

We, the undersigned Democratic Socialists of America members, are pledging to organize to grow the left and fight the right by:
  • Phonebanking, door-knocking, and fundraising to support downballot DSA campaigns
  • Promoting DSA’s program for the United States: Workers Deserve More
  • Encouraging workers to tactically vote against fascism in key races and swing states
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First Name *
Last Name *
On the statement, names will show last initial only (e.g. Karl M)
Email *
Phone Number *
City / DSA Chapter *
State *
Are you a DSA Member? *
Are you a member of any DSA caucus, or any other activist or socialist group(s)?
I will help defeat fascism by: *
I will get involved in DSA's national work through:
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