Rate your tournament experience
We want to hear about your most recent tournament experience so that we can continue to improve the overall quality for players, parents, coaches and spectators.

This survey is to be filled out by the parent/ guardian for junior tournaments, and by the player for adult tournaments.

Responses are anonymous. The responders identity will NOT be shared with the facility or tournament director.

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Tournament Date: *
Name of tournament: *
Tournament facility: *
Rate overall tournament experience (1 worst - 5 best): *
What type of a tournament did you/your child participate in? *
What was your comfort level with the safety protocols implemented at the tournament location? *
If answered comfortable or uncomfortable, please explain why:
Was the Tournament Director on site during the tournament and readily available? *
Were the draws & match times posted at least 3 days in advance from the event start date? *
Was there an official or court monitor roving the courts during match play? *
Please include any additional comments or feedback about the tournament: *
Would you nominate this tournament for any of the following?  (select all that apply) *
Please explain why you would nominate them.  (If not nominating please put N/A). *
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