KPTC Wait List Application
Please read the information below and complete our Wait List application if you are still interested in being on the list. 

Entry into the club becomes available as members withdraw. Historically it has taken at least 6 months and, more likely, 12 months to get a spot. The fees for an individual adult to join for 2024/25 are as follows:
- One time initiation fee of $420, plus
- Annual membership dues of $430, plus
- Sunday league fee of $105.
It is not mandatory to join the league but it is the best way to meet other members and learn the game quickly.
The Sunday league games are played for 1.5 hours any time between 4:45 start and finish around 10 pm.  

We also have family rate plans where dependent children up to age 25 pay only $50 on top of a 2-adult membership. We also have a Junior Program for ages 10-18. Juniors play on Mondays and/or Wednesdays from 4-6pm and the fee is $200. Juniors receive instruction.

After registering, feel free to follow-up with for an update on the estimated wait time for membership.

Thank you for your interest in KPTC!
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Email *
First Name *
Last Name *
Street Address *
Postal Code *
Phone Number *
Names and emails of other members in your household that would like to be on the wait list. For dependent children under the age of 25, please add their birthdates.
How did you hear about KPTC? *
If applicable, please let us know which member(s) (first and last names) referred you so that we may thank them
Have you played platform tennis before (other than as an occasional guest at KPTC)? *
Have you recently played other racquet sports? Note that prior experience is NOT necessary for membership. *
If applicable, for how long have you been playing another racquet sport?
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Are you interested in any of the following leagues/ladders? Note that new members typically start in our Sunday league as the weekday leagues are full. *

Were you aware that instruction is not included in membership other than for the Junior Program (ages 10-18)? Paid lessons are available but not required.
Were you aware that Platform Tennis leagues run from September to May outdoors (and we have to shovel the courts prior to play) and pick-up games can be played year round?  *
Have you submitted $50 to to hold your place in the Wait List? Note that, when/if you join, your application fee will be put toward your initiation fee. *
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