Sponsor Tim Buhler's 100K Walk

Charity walk for Ukrainian Refugee's (Approx. 100Km) Saturday 9th Sept 2023

In aid of a Ukrainian Refugee family in Denmark: Alek & Tanya & their 14 kids. For more information about this family and their journey, look at Tim's Find Joy website. 

*Funds are given directly to Alek & Tanya -- a deposit directly into their bank account via Wise App. Thus this is NOT available to be claimed as a "tax deductible" gift.

Your Name: *
Your email: *
Your phone: *
How much do you commit to donate for each kilometer Tim walks?
Example: If you donate $1 per kilometer, and Tim walks 30 kilometers, you will donate $30 total. 
Do you promise to pay your full amount after the 100K? *Upon Tim acheiving his goal of walking the whole 100K within 36 hours, all donations will be doubled.  *
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