Something To Do During a Concert: An EWE Quiz!
Are you attending "REGENERATIVE FEEDBACK: ON LISTENING AND ITS EMANCIPATORY POTENTIAL" at Downtown Brooklyn's very own "Issue Project Room" between May 25th and May 27th, 2018?
This Quiz is for you!
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Did you listen to music on your way to the event?
If so, to what?
Would you listen to music from this event at home or on the way to something else?
How much have you spent on live music in the past 90 days?
How much have you spent on recorded music in the past 90 days?
In which formats?
Did you pay for a ticket to this event?
If so, what percentage of your weekly income does the ticket price represent?
Have you ever donated money to Issue Project Room?
If so, how much?
Estimated total amount you've spent on drinks at Issue Project Room since its inception?
Should there be food at this event?
If so, what?
Are you messaging with anyone during the event?
Are you looking at email during the event?
Are you looking at social media during the event?
Link you'd like to recommend:
What is the most boring event you've attended this year?
What percentage of the audience do you know personally?
What percentage of the performers do you know personally?
Which performers do you know personally?
Have you slept with more than 1 other person at this event?
What tropes are being reinforced at this event?
Which do you find most interesting?
Based on what you're hearing tonight, how do you feel about the future of music?
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