Registration: Restructuring Team Roundtable meeting - Lemont, IL
This meeting will take place from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. Central Time on Saturday, November 11, at Christ Community Church in Lemont, Illinois. 

*Please register each attendee separately.

Event address:
Christ Community Church
13400 Bell Rd
Lemont, IL 60439-8131

Your email address will be used to send you a copy of your registration. It will also be used to send you updates and other communications from the restructuring team.
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Email *
Your name *
What church do you attend? *
If you require accommodations to fully participate in the meeting, please indicate them here. If necessary, staff will follow up with you in order to better understand your needs and arrive at accommodations that are reasonable and acceptable to all.
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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