Client Feedback Form

Dear Valued Client,

Thank you for your interest in providing feedback to DLSMHSI regarding our services. Your responses will help us improve our academic support services to better meet the needs of our stakeholders. 

We prioritize the protection of your privacy. To ensure the protection of your personal data, all information you provide in this survey will be kept confidential and used for quality assurance purposes only.

  1. Non-Collection of Identifiers: We will not collect any personal information that could potentially identify you as the evaluator. Your assessment will remain entirely anonymous.
  2. Avoiding Identifiers: We kindly request that you refrain from including any personal identifiers in your responses. This helps maintain the anonymity of your feedback.
  3. Secure Data Handling: Your response will be promptly deleted after the evaluation process is completed, ensuring your feedback remains confidential.

Your candid input is essential to improving the educational experience at DLSMHSI. We appreciate your participation in this process and are committed to safeguarding your confidentiality.

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Please select the option that best describes your relationship with DLSMHSI:  *

Note: An employer refers to an organization or company where our graduates or alumni work, and with whom we may have professional interactions.

Reason for On-site, Online, or Phone Transaction (Optional):

Academic Office/Service Unit Concerned: *

Others, please specify: 

Please rate the following aspects of our services on a scale of 1 to 5, where 1 is poor and 5 is very good:
Governance and Administration
NA - Not Applicable
1 - Poor
2 - Fair
3 - Neutral
4 - Good
5 - Very Good
Clarity and transparency of organizational structure and responsibilities
Effectiveness of leadership and management practices
Adherence to ethical and legal standards
Alignment of institutional practices with mission, vision, and goals
Effectiveness of communication and stakeholder engagement
Support Staff

refers to individuals who work in non-teaching positions within our organization. They are responsible for providing administrative, operational, or other educational support services, excluding classroom instruction.

NA - Not Applicable
1 - Poor
2 - Fair
3 - Neutral
4 - Good
5 - Very Good
Qualifications and experience of support staff
Professional development of support staff 
Service Accessibility
NA - Not Applicable
1 - Poor
2 - Fair
3 - Neutral
4 - Good
5 - Very Good
Accessibility and availability of services and equal opportunities
Responsiveness to stakeholder needs
Fair and transparent policies and procedures
Provision of reasonable accommodations and support services for clients with disabilities
Service Effectiveness
NA - Not Applicable
1 - Poor
2 - Fair
3 - Neutral
4 - Good
5 - Very Good
Effectiveness of services provided
Quality and relevance of services and initiatives
Resources and Facilities
NA - Not Applicable
1 - Poor
2 - Fair
3 - Neutral
4 - Good
5 - Very Good
Availability, adequacy, and quality of physical facilities, equipment, and resources
Availability and effectiveness of information technology infrastructure (e.g. website, software, internet service, etc.)
Sustainability and environmental practices
Overall Experience: *
Very Good

Thank you for your participation and valuable feedback.


In St. La Salle,

Center for Educational Effectiveness and Accreditation

Academic Services

Note: This instrument was developed using artificial intelligence (AI) technology. It has undergone rigorous testing and validation to ensure its reliability and accuracy. Should you have any questions or require further information, please do not hesitate to reach out to us.
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