Call to Action: An Open Letter from Global Health Professionals

Thank you for your interest in signing ‘Call to Action: An Open Letter from Global Health Professionals.’

You can find the letter here.

Please scroll down to add your signature.

Please note that we will intermittently check submitted responses so there will be a delay between your response and any changes. Violent or threatening behaviour will be reported. Spurious or invalid responses will not be included. 

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1. Your name (first name or initials are also ok) *
2. Your background: profession, degree etc 
3. Your context: nationality and/or organisation
4. Do you consent to your name being listed as a signatory to the letter. If so please provide your email below. 
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5. Please provide your email if you'd like to be kept updated. We will only use your email for communication about this letter and will not share your details with anyone else. 
6. Anything else: hopes, dreams etc. 
7. This space has been added here in case you need to change your signature status. Please let us know your concern + provide your email for follow-up. 
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