Introduction from Ali Don, Rainbow Families (US) board member, and fellow Aussie!
Child's Name *
Your answer
Child's Age (Younger children encouraged to join! Parent or guardian can help! Max age 16) *
Your answer
Your COMPLETE Mailing Address *
Your answer
Your answer
Your Interests - Check ALL that apply. We will do our best to match kids with similar interests in similar age ranges. This will depend on how many participants we have. *
If no one in a similar age range is available overseas, are you open to being matched with someone in your own country? *
Parents/Guardians: Once a match is made, you are strongly encouraged to communicate with one another to ensure your comfort, discuss any guidelines, etc. *
Parent/Guardian Agreement: By clicking agree below: (1) I confirm I am the legal parent or guardian of this child, and give permission for them to participate. **This verbiage may be different for Australian families. If you have questions please contact ** (2) I/we understand Rainbow Families will attempt to match my child with another child of a similar stated age range (primarily) and makes no claims/warrants as to the accuracy of info provided. (3) I/we agree to hold both Rainbow Families organizations (US and Australia) harmless for any aspect of this program, further, I/we have read and agree to the liability & terms section found on the Rainbow Families (US) website (4) Rainbow Families (US) has no jurisdiction, responsibility or liability over Rainbow Families (Australia) and vice-versa. (5) All involved will be fully respectful & kind at all times, myself and my/our child will adhere to these principles in this program, at risk of possible removal from the program *
Parent/Guardian name, email, and mailing address (if different than the child's mailing address) *