Informed Consent and General Information
What is the purpose of this survey? This scoping survey aims to understand people's perceptions about different aspects of mental health care (including the services of various psychology, psychiatry, rehabilitation practitioners as well as alternate practitioners).
Who is conducting the study?
This study is conducted by researchers at Nolmë Labs - an academic research and science communication collective with a special focus on mental health advocacy. Our objective is to make quality and affordable mental health care equitably accessible for all through research, policy, and advocacy.
Who can participate? If you have ever availed any services to improve your mental health for any reason, you may respond to the survey. If you have never availed a mental health service, please do not respond to this survey.
General instructions: You will begin by providing some basic information about yourself, after which there are 4 sections, instructions for each section are given as needed. We anticipate that the entire questionnaire will take about 12-15 minutes to complete. Please be as honest as possible.
Are there any risks or benefits associated with participating in the study?
Participation will help inform a research study investigating experiences of mental health service users in India, common practices, ethical compliances, areas of improvement, which can improve mental health services in India.
There are no anticipated risks to participating in the study.Contact:Nolmë Labs is a government registered research organization with a special focus on mental health
If you have any queries, comments or feedback regarding this study, please email us at Please state the subject line as "
MH Survey_query"
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